
  • Mehwish Buriro Department of Agronomy Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam
  • Habibullah Rajpar Department of Agri. Economics Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Qamaruddin Jogi Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Asif Ali Kaleri Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Abdul Hakeem Jamro Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Ali Raza Mahar Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Sana Shazia Jiskani Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Azeem Malik Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh
  • Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam Sindh




Mustard, Nitrogen-Phosphorus, , Irrigation-Schedules


To investigate the impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus, as well as different irrigation schedules, on the growth and yield of the Mehran Raya variety of mustard, The results showed that the F3 = 120-60 kg/ha produced population plant( 31.78 m2), height of plant(181.09 cm), branch plant-1 (9.24),pods/plant(832.87) seeds pod-1 (15.26), seed index (1000 seeds wt. 17.11 g), and seed yield (2407.67 kg ha-1). while theF1(control) results showed minimum plant population of(8.11m2), height of plant (126.98cm), branch plant-1(4.92), pods plant-1(471.49) seeds pod-1 (5.07), seed index (1000seeds wt.14.44 g), and seed yield (1279.22kg ha-1). In case of irrigation maximum plant population (24.22 m2), height of plant (165.93 cm), branchesplant-1 (8.09), podsplant-1(565.22) seeds pod-1 (12.04), seed index (1000 seeds wt. 17.11 g), and seed yield (1955.11 kg ha-1). Whereas the minimum plant population(17.11 m2), height of plant (148.80 cm), branchesplant-1 (6.22), podsplant-1(637.04) seeds pod-1 (8.74), seed index (1000 seeds wt. 15.56 g), and seed yield (1579.67 kg ha-1) was recorded in one irrigation. On the basis of results found it can be able that the balanced fertilization and irrigation scheduling was higher than alone application of treatment due to synergetic effect of NP with irrigation by mustard in terms of growth and seed yield. It was determined that despite the consequences the variation in the values different growth yield traits of mustard crop, the mustard harvest was markedly higher (2407.6 kg ha-1) when the crop was given NP @ 120-60 kg ha-1.


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How to Cite

Buriro, M., Rajpar, H., Jogi, Q., Kaleri, A. A., Jamro, A. H., Mahar, A. R., … Kandhro, M. N. (2024). EFFECT OF NITROGEN-PHOSPHORUS AND IRRIGATION SCHEDULES ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF MUSTARD (BRASSICA JUNCEA L.). Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, 21(1), 135–140. https://doi.org/10.34016/pjbt.2024.21.01.886



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